Example: AnkhHeart has been following Streamlabs for years month.!followage Poujie will display how long another user, in this case, Poujie, has been following the channel. Followage command can be used in these two ways:!followage, will display the amount of the time the user has been following the channel. The example above is working for the local chatbot (not the one inside streamlabs obs) and requires your streamer to be connected under connections.
Here is the command you are looking for. Hi My name on Streamlabs is xTimmy2Times. The problem that I have ran into now where I can no longer help you is that for some reason some of the variables do not work when creating a custom command. Streamlabs Chatbot (SLCB formerly known as AnkhBot, is a self-hosted bot solution developed by AnkhHeart for Twitch streamers with a number of unique features, as well as now officially integrates with Streamlabs and its exclusive services). command:!uptime response: me has been live for uptime.
In this post we will show you all the Streamlabs Chatbot features in detail and how to use them. Streamlabs Chatbot: A Comprehensive List of Commands.
If you are using the Streamlabs OBS chatbot you can use the command below and obviously change my username to your twitch username. My commands used to work into the chat and now they dont. The Streamlabs Chatbot is a free Software Expansion for Streamlabs Streaming Software.
I have turned off my CloudBot and have turned them back on again while putting Streamlabs as my a mod.
This Chatbot offers various options, features and can assume a lot of tasks for you while you concentrate on your stream and your community. Here is a website that has some nice commands for Streamlabs Chatbot.
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