Freitag, 5. Juni 2015

Obs fps

Obs fps

FPS Drops in Streamlabs OBS und OBS Studio beheben Tutorial. Question Help - OBS FPS while playing a FPS game? OBS Forums Should I be limiting the FPS I stream from to when I play a console game with FPS limit? I thought if I stream fps but the game is 30. Question Help - Frame rate drops once i streamrecord OBS Forums When ever i few my display though obs, it shows fps flat.

But, once i proceed to streamrecord my gameplay, it suddenly drops, drastically. CPU usage never seems to be a problem just want to see if there is anything with my settings that maybe could be causing the FPS lag. Question Help - OBS verursacht massive FPS drops OBS Forums Geh ich dann aber runter um z.B. Question Help - Cant hold consistent 60fps while streaming MW.

Question Help - Very bad fps drops OBS Forums So I started streaming on twitch playing fortnite and my fps went from normally being 250-3while not streaming to only about 1while.

Question Help - OBS verursacht massive FPS drops OBS Forums

Question Help - FPS is dropping OBS Forums

Question Help - FPS is dropping OBS Forums I haven t had this issue in awhile, but it was never this bad. Den Server zu wechseln geht es wieder runter auf FPS. Ruckler und FPS-Drops in OBS - PC GAMES HARDWARE EXTREME 10. OBS Fps Probleme - Fragen Hilfe zum Streaming.

Eingestellt sind 10k Bitrate, FullHD und 60. When sometimes even when my cpu is using like i m still dropping fps while. Guten Aben ich bekomme seit kurzem warum auch immer massive Fps Drops über OBS (x264). Beim DayZ Streamen (bis jetzt nur bei diesem Spiel fest gestellt) habe ich durchlaufend FPS drops von OBS ausgehen d.h die FPS die.
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Question Help - OBS FPS while playing a FPS game? OBS Forums

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