Montag, 15. Februar 2016

Polyandrie tibet

Polyandrie tibet

Even today, there are polyandry families in some rural areas of Tibet. La monogamie est la forme de mariage la plus usuelle chez les populations de culture tibtaine. As a family resource preservation strategy, Tibetan polyandry accomplishes the same goal of the European stem family system, but in a very different way. Sheila s book, although good in its day, is now outdated.

Fraternal polyandry (from the Latin fraterbrother also called adelphic polyandry, is a form of polyandry in which a woman is married to two or more men who are brothers. A 19survey by the Tibet University throughout Tibet found that 1 of families were polyandric, and were polygynous. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on.

La polyandrie fraternelle en Himalaya

28-2 2007) Marriages and Spouse Selection in Tibet (.pdf) Development and Society, Vol No.(June 20pp 79-117). Polyandry isn t the default system in Tibet, but rather, among a small ethnic group known as the Tre-ba, among whom it evidently serve to. Like many cultural customs, polyandry in Tibet was compatible with specific challenges of geography. Population Structure and Changes in the Tibet Autonomous Region (.pdf) Presented at the International Conference on Tibet Autonomy at Harvard University (Nov. In a country where there was little tillable lan the practice of polyandry would reduce the number of heirs, because a woman has more biological limits on the number of children she can have than a man does.

However, polyandry families in Tibet were common in ancient times. Nowadays, most Tibetan marriages are monogamous with familiar nuclear families. Polyandry is a form of polygamy whereby a woman has several husbands.

The fraternal polyandry marriage relationship of Tibet is widely consideredto be a means of preventing the division of a family s resources among its male heirs.

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La polyandrie, le fait pour une femme d avoir plusieurs maris simultanment (pluralit de maris est une forme de mariage peu commune dans le monde). La polyandrie fraternelle en Himalaya La polyandrie fraternelle. Currently, polyandry is present in all Tibetan areas, but particularly common in some rural regions of Tsang and Kham that are faced with extreme living conditions. Fraternal polyandry was (and sometimes still is) found in certain areas of Tibet, Nepal, and Northern India, where polyandry was accepted as a social practice. 19erhielten die Frauen das kantonale Stimmrecht.

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