Freitag, 18. Januar 2019

Threema work basic

Threema work basic

Everything is done in-house, from software development to support, and we maintain our own servers. Threema Work is an affordable way to make mobile communication with colleagues, partners and customers secure and compliant with data-privacy standards. There are two main modes of operation: Basic mode (server-based encryption) The server handles all encryption for you. A Preview about THREEMA, how it works, some config overviews and how the message.

Threema Work is the highly secure and easy-to-use messaging solution for companies and organizations. Exist a save counterpart to whatsapp, line, wechat etc? We are dedicated to privacy protection since day one.

Antrag Volkart Stiftung

On May 2 201 Threema Work, a corporate version of Threema, was released. The code for the Threema Gateway SDK is open for developers and available on GitHub. Threema Work is fully compliant with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR ). It offers the same high level of privacy protection, security, and usability that millions of private users value about Threema. On March 2 201 Threema released a gateway for companies.

Similar to an SMS gateway, businesses can use it to send messages to their users who have Threema installed. Programming in Visual Basic.Net How to Connect. Currently exist one of them, called THREEMA. The server needs to know the private key associated with your Threema API identity.
Arnold-Janssen-Gymnasium Videoturorial zur Einführung von THREEMA WORK.

Threema Work is the chat app for companies and organizations that care about data privacy and security. Arnold-Janssen-Gymnasium Videoturorial zur Einführung von THREEMA WORK. Threema is a completely independent and fully self-financed Swiss company based in the Zürich metropolitan area. This API can be used to send messages to any Threema user, and to receive incoming messages and delivery receipts.

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